
马来酸替加色罗片健康人体药代动力学试验 被引量:1

Pharmacokinetic studies of Tegaserod Maleate Tablet in healthy volunteers
摘要 目的进行健康志愿者马来酸替加色罗片单剂和多剂给药的药代动力学研究.方法采用LC-MS法测定替加色罗经时血浓度,计算替加色罗主要药代动力学参数,了解替加色罗口服给药在人体分布、消除、蓄积规律.结果及结论采用LC-MS方法测定替加色罗血浓度,灵敏度高,回收率和日内日间变异符合生物样本研究要求. OBJECTIVE Pharmacokinetic characteristics of the single dose and muhidose of Tegaserol were evaluated in Chinese healthy volunteers METHODS The concerntrations of Tegaserod in plasma were determined by LC-MS method and its pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated, RESULTS and CONCLUSION The LC- MS method is sensitive and suitable to Tegaserol human pharmacokinetic studies. The recovery rate and variations of within day and between day both conformed to the biological sample research requirement.
出处 《齐鲁药事》 2006年第6期365-367,共3页 qilu pharmaceutical affairs
关键词 马来酸替加色罗片 药代动力学 液相色谱-质谱联用仪 Tegaserod maleate pharmacokinetics LC-MS
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