
用FPGA实现abc坐标系的三维空间矢量调制算法 被引量:3

Implementation of 3-D Space Vector Modulation Algorithm in abc Coordinate Based on FPGA
摘要 研究了一种应用于三相四桥臂逆变器的基于abc坐标系的新的空间矢量调制算法,避免了传统的αβ0坐标变换,使开关矢量的选取和占空比的计算更简单,显著降低了调制算法的复杂性。同时详细说明了基于abc坐标系的空间矢量脉宽调制算法的原理,并研究了用FPGA来实现该空间矢量调制算法的方法。由于FPGA不需要顺序执行指令,可以多个进程并发执行,响应速度快,可明显提高系统性能。仿真和实验结果证明了该空间矢量调制算法的正确性和利用FPGA实现该算法的可行性。 A novel space vector modulation (SVM) algorithm for the three-phase four-leg inverter based on the abc coordinate is developed,thus avoiding the traditional a130 transformation,making the selection of the switching vectors and calculation of the duty cycle much easier, and reducing the complexity of the modulation algorithm obviously. The principle of the novel SVM algorithm in abc coordinate is introduced. The implementation on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) of the SVM algorithm is also studied. The inverter implemented on the FPGA has a fast response and high performances because the FPGA can execute several processes synchronously instead of executing instructions step by step. Simulation and experimental results verify the correctness of the novel SVM algorithm and its feasibility to implement the algorithm on the FPGA.
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期309-314,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
基金 航空支撑基金(02C52009)资助项目
关键词 空间矢量调制 ABC坐标系 FPGA 逆变器 space vector modulation abc coordinate field programmable gate array inverter
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