Both of the two collections of poems, i.e. Heyue Yingling JI and Tang Xian Samnei Ji compiled at a prosperous age, have the same theme of leisure and are fresh and elegant in style. The fact that Du Fu's poems are not included in either of them and even Li Bai not in the former, reflects the two collectors' poetic and esthetic awareness. This artistic taste of the collectors, Yin and Wang, though, to some extent, revealing the collectors' own characters, the prevalent cultural and esthetic interests at the time, basically mirrors the scene of peace and prosperity at the prosperous age. Undoubtedly this also reflects the visible and invisible trend and norm in the nature of the prosperous age. The conclusion of this paper is that a prosperous age has its own willpower, the collections at the prosperous age have their own esthetic forms and the collections in return reflect the prosperous age.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Heyue Yingling JI
Tang Xian Sanmei Ji
the willpower at a prosperous age
the theme of leisure
the fresh and elegant style