本文报道用物理和化学的方法,人工诱导西施舌产卵的研究结果。实验表明:氨海水浸泡西施舌Coelomactra antiquata(Spengler),对诱导排放精卵具有明显的作用。NH_4OH的有效当量浓度为1.5×10^(-3)——3×10^(-2)N,其中以7.5×10^(-3)——1.5×10^(-2)N氨海水诱导排放率最高。采用阴干加流水刺激和阴干加升降温刺激,都能促使性成熟的西施舌排放精卵。
The research result of artificial icduced spawning of Coelemactra Antiquata Speugler by physical and chemical method is reported in this paper-Experiments have showed that Codmactra Antiquata Spengler,after being steeped in ammon a sea water,has acquired a significant effect on the sperm-egg expelling. The effective equivalent concentration of NH4on used is 1. 5×10-3-3×10-2N, of which the expelling rate of 7. 5×10-3-1.5×10-2N Ammonia sea wacer is the highest The adoption of the method of drying it in the shade and adding flowing water for stimulation,or drying it in the shade and raising-lowering the temperature for stimulation will step up the action of the sperm-egg expelling of the mature Mactra Antiquata Spengler.
Journal of Fujian Fisheries