
脑卒中失语抑郁量表的试修订 被引量:18

Validation of Chinese Version of Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire (SADQ)
摘要 目的:引进脑卒中失语抑郁量表(SADQ)并评价其信度、效度,为该量表在中国的应用推广提供有用的信息。方法:对105名脑卒中患者进行Hamilton抑郁量表(HAMD)测评,并协助患者完成BDI,同时由患者陪护人员完成SADQ量表,其中30名患者的陪护者被要求2周后进行SADQ复查。结果:①重测信度0.754;②Cronbach’sα系数为0.809,分半信度为0.743;③因素分析共产生7个因子,共解释了65.641%的方差;④SADQ与BDI的相关为0.548(P<0.01);SADQ与HAMD的相关为0.488(P<0.01)。结论:SADQ的修订版具有良好的信度和效度,基本符合心理测量学标准。 Objective: To assess the validitv and reliability of Chinese edition of SADQ. Methods: 105 stroke patients within 2 weeks after onset were assessed with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). While patients were completing these assessments, their caters were asked to complete SADQ in respect to the patients. SADQ was also administered to 30 carers on two occasions at a 2-week interval, Results: Test-retest reliability was 0.754, and internal consistency reliability was 0.809. The structure validity was evaluated by factor analysis. Seven factors was got that explain 65.641% of total variance. The SADQ were significantly related to HAMD and BDI (r=0.548 to r= 0.488, P〈0.01). Conclusion: SADQ has good reliability and validity when applying to Chinese stroke patients.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2006年第3期230-232,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金资助(项目号:20032110)
关键词 卒中后抑郁 脑卒中失语抑郁量表(SADQ) 信度 效度 Post-stroke depression SADQ Reliability Validity
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