

The 11th Five-Year Plan for a Harmonious Society
摘要 “十一五”时期的任务,仍然是十六大提出的全面建设小康社会。保持经济平稳较快发展是“十一五”规划的核心问题,从中长期发展看,中国经济持续增长有许多有利条件,也有不少困难和制约因素,现在经济发展的困难,主要在于提高经济发展的质量。中国在转变增长方式方面进步明显,标志是,在20世纪最后20年以能源消耗翻一番实现了经济增长翻两番,虽与国际先进水平相比,仍有较大差距,但通过努力,资源约束问题可以缓解。在新的发展阶段出现了新的矛盾和问题,需要注重解决,“十一五”时期要把解决社会问题、促进社会和谐摆在突出位置,这是不同于以往五年计划的地方。中国经济的壮大必然触及现在的国际经济政治格局,中国要高举和平发展、互利共赢的旗帜,也要善于按照国际贸易的普遍原则,利用贸易保护主义和贸易自由主义两种政策实现国家利益。 A major task during the llth Five-year Plan period is the pursuit of an all-round better-off society promoted by the Party' s Sixteenth National Congress. To maintain the steady and fast growth of Chinese economy is the key point in the plan, which, in the medium term and the long term, is facing many advantages as well as a considerable number of difficulties and constraints. The major difficulty is in increasing the quality of economic growth. China has made a conspicuous progress in the transformation of economic growth, which is marked by the fact that in the last 20 years in the 20th century, China, with the energy consumption doubled, has quadrupled its economic growth. The reduction of energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP), though is much higher than the international advanced level, has proved that with efforts, the problem of energy constraint can be eased. In the new developing stage emerged new conflicts and problems, which need prior settlement. During the llth Five-year Plan period, the resolution of social problems and the pursuit of a harmonious society are to be highlighted, which is different from the lOth Five-year Plan period. The growth of Chinese economy will unavoidably affect the international economic and political pattern. China, holding high the banner of peace and development, according to the mutual benefit and win-win principles, will materialize its national benefits through the application of both protectionism and liberalism, based on the common international trade principles.
作者 王梦奎
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第2期61-64,共4页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 和谐发展 规划 经济增长 harmonious development plan economic growth
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