甘肃连城国家级自然保护区地处黄土高原向青藏高原的过渡地带,其组成区内植被类型的植物物种较为丰富。据调查统计,连城自然保护区有植物109科、444属、1 397种,其中种子植物有82科、404属、1 338种。在种子植物中,单种科、属植物所占比重较大,反映出该保护区环境的复杂性和植物区系的年轻性。在其种子植物区系中属的地理成分复杂多样,与其他地区联系广泛,并具有过渡的特性,而在分布类型中以北温带成分占优势。
Liancheng National Nature Reserve in Gansu is located in the confluent zone of Loess Plateau and Qingzang Plateau, the plant species composition is relatively rich. According to the statistics, the plants of Liancheng nature reserve belongs to 109 families, 444 genera, 1397 species, among which, 82 families, 404 genera and 1338 species are seed plants. The genus which comprise single and few species account for high percentage of the total seed plant genera. The results indicate that the floristic elements are young and the environment is diverse. The analysis of the areal type of in genera indicates that the geographical elements is complex, and it has the extensive connection with nearby floristic areas, the north temperate is the dominant areal type.
Journal of West China Forestry Science