The participants in this 22nd edition of the Prix Golay are professional goldsmiths in their last year of vocationaltraining, getting ready for their productive career. They benefit from a solid know-how in design and workmanship withprecious materials, but they are not pressured as yet by commercial considerations, nor restricted by routine. They profitfully from their youthful imagination and from the extraordinary freedom a professional gets at this crucial momentbetween training and the money-earning“ rat race”.All contest participants received from Golay a cultured South Sea pearl, along with the assignment to interpret aculture of their choice in a jewellery creation. The result is a fascinating“ tour around our world in 62 jewels”. Each pieceis the expression of a personal view, inspiration, and feeling.
The participanst in this 22nd edition of the Prix Golay are professional goldsmiths in their last year of vocational traing ,getting ready for their productive career.They benfeit from a solid know-how in design and workmanship with precious materials,but they are not pressured as yet by commeraial considerations ,nor restricted by routione.They profit fully from their youthful imagination and from the extraordinary freedom a professional gets at this crucial morrent between training and the money-earning "rat race".