
植物雌激素与雌激素对狗离体冠状血管舒张的作用对比 被引量:2

Relaxant effects of phytoestrogen and estrogen on Canine Coronary Arteries in Vitro
摘要 目的以血管张力变化为指标,对白藜芦醇(RST)和17β雌二醇(EST)的心血管保护作用及相关机制进行探讨和比较。方法制备狗冠状动脉血管环,固定于恒温肌槽内,待平衡后,加入各种药物观察血管张力的变化。结果RST和17βEST均可使50mmol/LKCl预收缩冠状动脉血管环产生剂量依赖性舒张作用,二者IC50值分别为(68.3±18.3和22.6±8.5)μmol/L,NO合酶抑制剂NωL硝基精氨酸、正矾酸钠及去内皮细胞后两种雌激素的舒张百分数下降了大约15%~25%,二者的舒张作用被明显的阻断(P<0.01),加入心得安、转录抑制剂放线菌素D或雌激素受体拮抗剂它莫昔酚,RST和17βEST的舒张百分数均无显著变化(P>0.05),这3种阻断剂都不能阻断这两种雌激素的舒血管作用。结论RST和17βEST对冠脉血管的舒张作用部分与内皮释放的NO有关,但二者的舒张作用与肾上腺素能β受体和血管壁传统雌激素受体无关,与雌激素经典核内作用途径无关。 Objective To study the vasorelaxant effect of resveratrol (RST) on coronary artery as compared with 17 β-estradiol(EST). Methods Canine coronary rings were prepared and mounted in the organ bath, after an equilibration period. Results Similarly to EST, RST dose-dependently attenuate 50 mmol/L KCI elicited-contraction in canine coronary rings with IC50 values of 68.3±18.3 and 22.6±8.5 μmol/L respectively. The relaxant extent by both estrogens was decreased 15%-25% after the incubation with the inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase Nw-L-nitro-arginine (L-NNA), sodium orthovanadate (SOV) and endothelium removal (P〈0.01 ) . However, after exposure to Propranolol (PROP), the transcription inhibitor Actinomycin D (ACD) or the oestrogen receptor antagonist Tamoxifen (TAM), no changes in vaso-relaxant effect induced by both estrogens have been found. Conduion The vasorelaxant effect of RST and EST was endothelium-dependent and partially related to NO synthesis. However, the relaxations induced by RST and EST in isolated coronary rings were not related to adrenergic β receptor, conventional estrogen receptor as well as the classic genomic pathway.
作者 陈亮 尹晓华
出处 《高血压杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期469-472,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hypertension
关键词 白藜芦醇 17Β-雌二醇 冠状动脉 血管张力 内皮细胞 Resveratrol 17β-estradiol Coronary artery Vascular tension Endothelium Canine
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