
知识即目的?——纽曼知识观的价值和历史局限 被引量:1

Knowledge Is the Purpose?——Value and Historical Limitations of Newman's Knowledge Theroy
摘要 纽曼是19世纪自由教育的伟大倡导者和捍卫者。在他看来,知识是统一的,所有知识是一个有机整体,各分支学科都是这一整体的有机组成部分;知识本身即为目的;大学教育的目的在于知识传承和人才培养,而不是学术研究和知识创新。他的这些观点既有一定的存在价值和作用,也有某些缺陷和不足。他的知识观、教育观对我国现阶段高等教育的发展具有重要的借鉴意义和指导作用。 Newnmn is one of the greatest exponents of liberal education in the 19th century. In his "opinion, knowledge is uniform, all knowledge is an organic whole and every branch of knowledge is an organic part of the whole; knowledge itself is the purpose; the purpose of higher education lies in knowledge impartment and cultivation of tal, ents rather than academic research and knowledge innovation. These views of Newman have their value and usefulness, but limitations and deficiencies as well. His view of knowledge and education is valuable to our higher education at present stage.
作者 李运庆
出处 《扬州大学学报(高教研究版)》 2006年第3期15-18,42,共5页 Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)
关键词 纽曼 知识观 《大学的理想》 Newman view of knowledge The Idea of a University
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