Using a cross-national study of 16,000 adults in 10 countries (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, and the United States) collected in 2002 and 2003, this paper examines the religious beliefs of adults concerning divine power, the nature of human life, and the beginning of lifo. The analysis describes religious practice (frequency of prayer and attendance) and trust in religious leaders. Working within the context of the distribution of religious values, a second analysis estimates the influence of personal religious values on political attitudes toward new and emerging biotechnologies. The 10-country study collected extensive measures of the level of respondent understanding of major biotechnology issues (stem cells, GM foods, cloning) and attitudes toward these issues. A set of structural equation models are used to estimate the relative influence of religious values, biological understanding, age, gender, and formal education on specific attitudes toward (1) abortion, (2) stem cell research, and (3) euthanasia.
Open Times