

Liquidity and Conditional Asset Pricing:Theory and Empirical Test
摘要 选择适当的工具一直是条件资产定价研究的中心,目前国内外尚没有研究从这个角度探讨流动性对资产定价的影响。本文在Breeden-Lucas随机折现因子框架下建立了以市场流动性为工具的条件CAPM,并使用1996.1.2-2004.12.31期间的沪深A股日度交易数据构造了Amihud(2002)的非流动性测度、Fama-French组合、定价因子等。一阶段GMM估计表明,该滞后工具可有效捕获资产回报的可预测变化,模型解释这种变化的能力显著优于Fama-French三因子模型和CAPM,且几乎没有统计显著的残留规模效果和价值效果。 Choosing an adequate instrument has been a focus in conditional asset pricing research. Till now, few researchers have discussed the effect of liquidity on asset pricing from this viewpoint. Departure from the framework of Breeden-Lucas Stochastic Discount Factor (SDF), our paper tries to establish a conditional CAPM with market liquidity serving as an instrument. Using the A stock's daily trading data from Jan.2, 1996 to Dec 31, 2004 of the two Chinese stock exchange markets, including Shanghai and Shenzhen, we construct illiquidity measure, Fama-French 5-by-5 portfolios and pricing factors, with which we perform a GMM estimation. Our empirical analysis shows that lagged instrument can effectively capture predictable variation of asset returns. The conditional model presents more significant power than Fama-French's three-factor model as well as the traditional CAPM, and exhibits little evidence of residual size or book-to-market effects.
出处 《南方经济》 北大核心 2006年第6期63-74,共12页 South China Journal of Economics
关键词 流动性 条件资产定价 随机折现因子 广义矩方法 非流动性测度 Liquidity Conditional Asset Pricing SDF GMM Illiquidity Measure
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