通过对筛选得到的两株高产纤维素酶的芽孢杆菌X18和X10-1-2的发酵条件进行优化,得出以下结论:麸皮作为天然纤维素可较大幅度地提高纤维素酶的产量,X18的最佳麸皮质量分数为 2.5 %,X10-1-2的最佳麸皮质量分数为 3 %.两株菌的最佳氮源均为豆饼,X18的最佳豆饼质量分数为 4 %,而X10-1-2的最佳豆饼质量分数为 1 %.产酶的最佳温度均为 30 ℃.X10-1-2的最佳产酶pH值为5,而X18的Cx酶在pH值6~8范围内产酶最高,本实验采用pH值8.最佳产酶时间X18为 20 h,而X10-1-2为 60 h.
Optimal culture conditions for production of cellulases using two bacterial strains ( Bacillus sp. X18 and X10-1-2) were investigated. The highest level of cellulase activity was induced in the medium containing wheat bran, and their optimal mass concentration for Bacillus sp. X18 and X10-1-2 were 2.5 % and 3 %, respectively. Bean cake was the best nitrogen source, and their optimal mass concentration for Bacillus sp. X18 and X10-1-2 were 4 % and 1%, respectively. Optimal culture temperature of cellulase production of Bacillus sp. X18 and X10-1-2 was 30 ℃. Optimal cultural pH values of cellulase production of Bacillus sp. X18 and X10-1-2 were 6-8 and 5, respectively. Optimal times of cellulase production of Bacillus sp. X18 and X10-1-2 were 20 and 60 h, respectively.
Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products