①目的评估临床超声(USG)、CT及磁共振(MR I)对卵巢恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。②方法将43例经手术和病理证实的卵巢恶性肿瘤的MR I、CT和USG检查结果进行分析,计算各自的敏感性、特异性和准确性,并进行比较。③结果卵巢恶性肿瘤定性诊断的敏感性、特异性和准确性,MR I、CT和USG分别9 1.3 0%/8 8.2 3%/7 3.5 2%,9 2.3 1%/9 0.4 8%/7 2.7 3%和9 1.7 6%/87.5%/73.21%。MR I、CT两者之间无显著性差异,而CT、USG之间差异较大。对卵巢恶性肿瘤分期的准确性,MR I、CT和USG分别为82.23%、79.91%和56.3%,MR I、CT两者之间无显著性差异,而CT和USG之间差异较显著。④结论USG可作为一种无创伤、可重复的方法,对卵巢恶性肿瘤进行早期诊断,但因受肠道气体干扰,应用受到限制;CT图像整体观强,能准确地显示肿瘤的大小、范围及其内部结构,明确肿瘤的性质。MR I能多轴位清晰显示病灶及侵犯范围与途径,明显优于其它影像学检查方法。
Objective To evaluate the values of MRI, CT and uhrasonography imaging in diagnosis of ovarinoma malignant neoplasms. Methods The findings of MRI, CT and ultrasonography of ovarinoma malignant neoplasms confirmed by surgery and pathology of 43 were analysed by double blinding method. Results In diagnostic characteristics of ovarinoma maligant ,the sensitivity ,speeility and accuracy of MRMCT/ultrasonography were 91.30%/88.23%/73.52% ,92.31%/90.48%/ 72.73% and 91.76%/87, 5%/73.21% ,there were not statistically sigificant between MR/and CT,but there were statistically significant between CT and Ultrasonography. The accuracy of MRI. CT and Uhrasonngraphy was 82.23% ,79.91% and56.3% in staging of malignant neoplasms there were not statically sigificant between MRI and CT,but there were statically sigificant between CT and ultrasonography. Conclusion Ultrasonography are useful for early diagnosis of ovarinoma maligant neoplasm. Because of interfering of gas of intestine, the use of Ultrasonography is restricted. CT images may show the size, rang and inner structure of the neoplasmsms. MRI can show the local neoplasms and extension of neoplasms clearly on multiplanes and angles. MRI is superior to other evaluation in staging of Ovarinoma Malignant Neoplasms.
Journal of North China Coal Medical College
Ovarinoma Malignant Neoplasms. Magnetic resonance imaging. Tomography. X -ray computed, ultrasonography