目的了解克拉玛依地区HBV基因型分布状况,比较其与GenBank HBV序列同源性以及进化树分析。方法通过对S基因区B、C、D型GenBank序列分析,研究Mbo I酶和Ear I酶在不同型中具有独特的切点,利用限制性片段多态性分析(PCR-RFLP)区分各型,将各个基因型与GenBank序列进行1:1同源性比对的进化树分析。结果272份样品有241份成功分型。C型44.8%,B型36.9%,D型4.1%,B+C型10.8%,B+D型3.3%。少数民族C型40.4%,B型30.7%,D型9.6%。B、C、D型的同源性分别是97.8%-98.7%,96.9%-99.3%,97.5%-99.0%。进化树分析发现,克拉玛依地区的2例D型与新疆哈密地区D型进化距离最近。结论克拉玛依地区HBV基因型B、C、D均有,以B、C型占优势,未检测到A型,D型与新疆哈密地区D型有较近的亲缘关系。
Objective To explore distributing status of genotypes of hepatitis B virus in Kelamayi area, and compare with the homology of the sequence of GenBank HBV and carry out the pbylogenetic tree analysis. Methods According to the sequence analysis of the S area of the HBV DNA, the particular drops of enzymes (Mbo I , Ear I ) in the different genotypes( B, C, D) in the GenBank were studied. By using the manner of the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism of the surface gene of HBV, the different genotypes were determined and comparied with the ones in the GenBank in the identical source, and evolvement analysis were made by the manner of 1 : 1. Results The genotypes for 241 serums in 272 samples were determined successfully. Of the 272 samples, genotype C was 44.8%, genotype B 36.9%, genotype D4.1%, mixed genotypes B+ C 10.8%, mixed genotype B+ D 3.3%. Among the patients with chronic hepatitis B in minorities, genotype C was 40.4%, genotype B 30.7%, genotype D 9.6 %. The homology of genotypss B, C and D was 97.8% - 98.7%, 96.9% - 99.3% and 97.8% - 99.0% separately. By the phylogenetic tree analysis, we found out the genotype D had the nearest distance in the relative with the genotype D of Hand in Xinjiang. Conclusions The prevalent HBV strains in Kelamayi area are genotype B, C and D. Genotype B and C are the main genotypes, and genotype A was not found in this test.
International Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
Hepatitis B virus
Restriction fragment length polymorphism