
漠河地区臭氧的观测和计算 被引量:4

The Measurement and the Calculation of Atmospheric Ozone in the Mohe Area
摘要 1997年3月上旬,在黑龙江漠河地区对地面和整层臭氧、太阳辐射等进行了短期观测,以初步了解该地区臭氧和辐射的变化规律以及它们之间的相互关系。研究发现,漠河地区近地面臭氧日变化明显,其峰值出现在每日10:00(北京时间)左右,并早于紫外辐射(UV)峰值出现时间。整层大气臭氧总量的日变化特征不明显。基于UV能量守恒,建立了臭氧与其影响因子-光化学、散射、UV等因子之间较好的定量关系和经验模式,并将其用于计算地面、整层大气臭氧小时值和日平均值。结果表明,计算值与观测值吻合的都比较好,它们相对偏差的平均值分别为:地面臭氧小时值(11.9%)和日平均值(9.0%);整层大气臭氧小时值和日平均值-7.4%、1.8%。因此,地面和整层臭氧的经验算法是合理和可行的。利用散射辐射/直接辐射(D/S)和散射辐射/总辐射(D/Q)可以描述大气中的物质如气溶胶、云等的散射作用。采用D/Q表示散射作用可以提高地面臭氧和整层大气臭氧计算的准确度,特别是对云量较大的情况。 In order to understand the characteristics of ozone and solar radiation and their interrelation at Mohe county, Heilongjiang province, a short term measurement of surface ozone, total ozone amount and solar radiation was carried out during the first ten days of March 1997. It was found that surface ozone indicated an evident diurnal variation. Its peak usually appeared around 1000 LST (Local Standard Time), which was earlier than the UV peak appearance. The total ozone amount in the whole column was not shown an obvious diurnal variation during the observational period. Based on the UV energy conservation, a good quantitative relation and an empirical model for ozone and its 3 affecting factors, including photochemical, scattering, and UV were determined and built up, and applied for calculating hourly and daily surface ozone and total ozone amount. The calculated surface ozone and total ozone amount of hourly and daily averages were consistent with measurements, the averages of relative bias of hourly and daily averages of surface ozone were 11.9 and 9.0% respectively, and the averages of relative bias of hourly and daily averages of total ozone amount were 7.4% and 1.8% respectively. Thus, this empirical algorithm is reasonable and feasible. The ratio of diffuse radiation to scattering radiation (D/S) and diffuse radiation to global radiation (D/Q) can be used to describe the scattering roles of aerosol and clouds. The accuracy of calculated hourly and daily averages of surface ozone and total ozone amount were improved, when D/Q instated of DIS in the ozone empirical model.
作者 白建辉
出处 《气候与环境研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期221-228,共8页 Climatic and Environmental Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助40175031 1997年漠河日全食观测得到中华人民共和国科学技术部 中国科学院 国家自然科学基金委等联合资助
关键词 地面臭氧 整层大气臭氧总量 紫外辐射 能量 气溶胶 surface ozone, total ozone amount, ultraviolet radiation, energy, aerosol
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