
东亚产业分工形态实证研究——基于产业内贸易的视角 被引量:1

Positive Research on the Industrial Division Formation in East Asia——Perspective Based on Intra-industry Trade
摘要 本文利用Kandogan方法测算东亚七国制成品产业内贸易指数,从贸易角度研究该地区的产业分工形态。认为是产业特征、要素禀赋及国内政策差异导致东亚地区各个产业分工形态迥异。 The flying geese model in East Asia coUapsed mostly because of Japan's economic stagnation, while the research of industrial division formation at present was quite few. Using "Kandogan measure", this paper calculated intra-industry trade index of manufactured goods in seven East Asian nations, and then studied the industrial division formation. The conclusion is that many factors such as industry characteristics, factor differences and policy choices resulted in different division formation of each industry in East Asia.
作者 王鹏
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期16-18,11,共4页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 教育部人文社科研究基地重大项目<经济全球化条件下的区域经济合作>(课题编号02JAZJD90004)的阶段性成果之一。
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