随着网络上光盘资源的增长,光盘服务器成为光盘网络共享的重要技术.针对传统光盘服务器的缺点,实现了一个新的高性能光盘服务器CDS(CD Server).CDS系统采用两级C ache(客户端C ache加服务器C ache)的技术来提高系统的性能.客户端C ache根据光盘顺序访问特点,采用慢速增长快速下降的预取算法设计,即提高了系统的性能,也保证预取不命中时的响应时间.服务器C ache采用H ash算法同平衡二叉树相结合的两级组织结构,实现了C ache的快速查找.在详细介绍了CDS系统的两级C ache算法的同时,进行了相应的试验测试和性能分析.
With the growth of resources of the CD on the network, the CD server becomes important technology that the CD network shares . To the shortcoming of the traditional CD server, we have realized a new high-performance CD server (CDS). CDS system adopts the technology of two-level Cache (client side Cache and server Cache) to improve systematic performance. According to the characteristic of order access of CD, client side Cache adopt fetch algorithm in advance which slowly increase and drop fast, this algorithm not only improve systematic performance, but also ensure the response time of missing when fetch in advance. Server Cache adopts two-level framework of balanced binary tree combined with Hash algorithm, realizes the looking for fast of Cache. While introduce two-level Cache algorithm of CDS system in detail , we have carried on the corre-sponding testing and analysis of performance.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems