为了探索新型有机抗旱剂BGA(Beijing Angle Green)对生长于不同光温环境下的大叶黄杨(Euonymusjapnicus)生长和耗水特性的影响,进行了温室内、外小区和盆栽试验。结果显示:不论施用BGA与否,生长于温室外的大叶黄杨生物量和耗水强度较大,生长于温室内的大叶黄杨生物量和耗水强度较小;温室外大叶黄杨的生物量随BGA用量的增加而增加,耗水强度先减小,后增加;温室内大叶黄杨的生物量随BGA用量的增加先增加,后减小,耗水强度线性减少;没有施用BGA时,温室内外大叶黄杨的WUE相近,施用BGA后,温室外大叶黄杨的WUE大于温室内大叶黄杨的WUE。
In order to explore effect of BGA, a new organic drought resistant agent made from garbage, on traits of growth and water consuming of Euonymus japnicus under different daylight illumination and temperature, the tests in and out greenhouse were done at experiment base of China agricultural university. The results were as follows: biomass and water consuming intensity of Euonymus japnicus that was planted out greenhouse were larger than that in greenhouse whether BGA was used or not. The biomass of Euonymus japnicus got increased when BGA was added more, and the water consuming intensity was increased first, then decreased out greenhouse. The biomass of Euonymus japnicus was increased first, then decreased with increase cf BGA dosage, and the water consuming intensity was increased all the while in greenhouse. WUE of Euonymus japnicus that was planted in greenhouse was nearly same as that out greenhouse when BGA was not added. The WUE of Euonymus japnicus that was planted out greenhouse was more than that in greenhouse after BGA was added.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation