工业现场中多设备协同工作,除了硬件本身的稳定性外,还要考虑它们之间通信协议的简洁与可靠,以保证系统正常运行。介绍了工业现场嵌入式系统中各设备间通信的一种方法。使用RS232或RS485串行接口连接系统中的各模块。基于Modbus协议,从PLC采集数据送交后续处理;接收远程控制计算机发出的命令并响应。采用Embedded V isual C++Version 4.0开发应用程序实现上述功能,选择W indows CE作为嵌入式操作系统。运用于大气监测系统,通信稳定可靠。
Besides stability of equipments, the simpleness and reliability of communication protocol between equipments should also be considered to ensure a stable system operation in an industrial field with cooperative work of several equipments. A method of communication between equipments in embedded system in industrial field is introduced. The RS232 or RS485 serial interface is used to connect the modules in the system. The collected data for later transaction from PLC and the response for the command of remote control computer are accomplished based on Modbus Protocol. The software is developed by using Embedded Visual C++ Version 4.0 programming and run on the Windows CE embeded operating system. The method is used in air quality monitoring system and can realize steady communication.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery