
束腔相互作用的导纳分析方法 被引量:1

Admittance Equivalence of Beam-Cavity Interaction
摘要 在导纳坐标系中,基于束流的导纳等效,对束腔相互作用进行了分析,得到了相关物理量的表达式.利用这些公式,研究了注入过程中重束流负载的瞬态Robinson不稳定性.与传统的方法相比,导纳分析的推导比较简明,表达式更具有物理直观性. The admittance equivalence is structured to analyze the beam-cavity interaction. Compared to the traditional process based on impedance plane, the admittance method is concise, and the expressions are obtained with intuitive physical quantity. By use of these expressions, the injecting transient effect under heavy beam loading, such as the case of HLS is discussed.
作者 黄贵荣
出处 《高能物理与核物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期684-687,共4页 High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
关键词 束流负载效应 束腔相互作用 Robinson不稳定性 高频系统 beam loading effect, beam-cavity interaction, Robinson instability, RF system
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