相对论粒子的运动一直都是人们期望了解却无法观察到的一种神秘形态,对相对论粒子运动的理解也只能限制在一些复杂的表达式中.建立一个相对论粒子运动模型,利用M athem a-tica软件求解,绘制其运动轨迹并用相应的物理原理加以阐述,展现以往无法呈现的相对论粒子运动的形态图形.
The orbit of relative particle's motion is always the hot topic although which can't be observed. The understanding of human to microcosmic world is only limited in those complicated expression. We create a model of relative particle motion in central-force field, solve the equations and plot the orbit of relative particle's motion by Mathematiea. A firenew graphic contained the characters of relative particle's motion will show you what can't be seen before.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)