
4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系及其在育种上的应用 被引量:5

4E-ms system of producing hybrid wheat and its applications on hybrid breeding
摘要 将细胞核雄性不育基因用于小麦杂种优势利用,在育种上具有易恢复、恢复源广的优点,但这需要解决核不育性难以有效保持的遗传学问题.基于小麦细胞遗传学理论和大量小麦远缘杂交育种实践,建立某种特殊细胞遗传学保持机制,可以实现小麦核不育性的有效保持.4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系的成功建立,实现了小麦核不育性的有效保持, 既实现了细胞核雄性不育系白粒种子(正常小麦粒色,相对蓝粒而言,基因型为2n=42W(msms)=42)与雄性不育保持系蓝粒种子(可自交繁殖、“一系两用”,基因型为2n=42W(msms)+4E’=43)粒色的细胞遗传学标记,使小麦核不育杂种优势的育种和生产利用成为可能.简述了4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系创建的遗传育种学原理、“兰州核不育小麦”突变体的发现与鉴定,及蓝粒小麦的相关研究,重点介绍了4E-ms杂交小麦生产体系的育种应用研究进展和尚存在的技术难点及其解决途径. Producing hybrid seeds of wheat with nuclear or genetic male sterility (GMS) had breeding advantages against cytoplasm-male sterility (CMS), that was,it's easily to achieve complete male fertility restoration in Fi and in consequence the choice of parental lines was greatly broadened, the negative effects by alien cytoplasm were also avoided,but it needed to solve the genetic problem that it was difficult to effectively maintain nuclear male sterility. Based on the theory of wheat cyto-genetics and large practice of wheat distant hybridization, it was possible to create a kind of special cyto-genetics system for maintaining male sterility of wheat GMS effectively. Successful establishment of 4E-ms system of producing hybrid wheat had efficiently solved the problem of maintaining GMS, a cyto-genetics approach of maintaining GMS,and achieved grain color marker of white grain (normal wheat gene type.2n = 42W (msms)= 42) with nuclear male sterility and blue grain (self reproducible, gene type: 2n= 42W (msms) + 4E'= 43) as maintaining line of male sterility,and the system turned the wheat nuclear heterosis breeding and production application into true. This paper stated the genetics breeding principle for 4E-ms hybrid system , discovery and identification on the mutant of "Lanzhou nuclear male sterility wheat", review on germplasm of blue grain wheat,mainly focused on the advance of breeding application on 4E-ms system, technological difficulty and approach to solve it.
出处 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第3期135-140,共6页 Journal of Gansu Agricultural University
基金 国家自然基金项目:"兰州核不育小麦"突变体的育性研究(30170593)资助.
关键词 小麦 核雄性不育 4E-ms体系 蓝粒 育种 wheat nuclear male sterility 4E- ms system blue grain breeding
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