目的探讨ATP-生物荧光法肿瘤化疗药敏试验在鼻咽癌化疗药物筛选中的应用价值。方法采用ATP-生物荧光法和MTT法分别对人鼻咽低分化鳞癌细胞株(CNE-2)进行12种化疗药物的肿瘤化疗药敏试验。结果 ATP-TCA法与MTT法所求得作用于CNE-2细胞的IC_(50)比较,其差异在统计学上无意义(P>0.05)。ATP-TCA法检测CNE-2对12种化疗药物的敏感性依次为:顺铂(DDP)、丝裂霉素(MMC)、紫杉醇(TXL)、长春瑞宾(NVB)、卡铂(KB)、羟基喜树碱(HCT)、五氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)、长春新碱(VCR)、更生霉素(ACTD)、鬼臼碱(Vp-16)、吡柔比星(THP)、表阿霉素(EPI)。结论认为ATP肿瘤体外药敏试验(ATP-TCA)应用于鼻咽癌化疗药物的筛选,具有敏感、快速、与临床相关性较好的特点,是目前最有发展前途的体外药敏试验方法;DDP和TXL合用可提高对CNE-2肿瘤细胞的抑制率。
Objective To study the application d the ex vivo ATP tumor chemo sensitivity assay (ATP-TCA) in the chemotherapeutic agents screening d human nssopharyngeal carcinoma ceil lines(CNE-2). Methods Chemotherapeutic agents screening of 12 anticancer drugs for human nasopharygeal carcinoma cell lines were tested by ATP-TCA and MTT respectively. Results There was no difference d IC50 between ATP-TCA and MTT, and the sensitivity d anticancer drugs to CNE-2 fines from high to low was DDP, Mitomycin C(MMC), Paclitaxel(TXL), Vinorebine(NVB), Carboplatin(KB), Hydroxycamptothecin ( HCT), Flururacil ( 5-FU ), Vincristine ( VCR ), Dactinomycin ( ACTD ), Etoposide ( Vp-16 ), Thio-Tepa (THP) and Epimblcin (EPI), Flunrouracil( 5- FU). Conclusion ATP-TCA is a good option in the chemotherapeutic agents screening of CNE-2 lines ex vivo, It's think that ATP chemoeensitivity assay is a sencitive and quick way of tumor chemosensitivity assay which has a good correlation to chemotherapy of human tumors patients and it will have a good prospect in the lecture. DDP combined with TXL can increase the growth-inhibitory effect on CNE-2 cells.
Journal of Chinese Medical Abstracts·Oncology
广西壮族自治区科技厅攻关课题(桂科攻 0322024-1)