An enzyme immunoassay method for the determination of choramphemcol residues m lntant formula powoers is presented. The choramphenicol residues in samples were extracted with ethyl acetate, and then detected using an enzyme immunoassay kit. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.075μg/kg; On the spiked levels of 0.1μg/kg and 0.3μg/kg, the recoveries were 85%-120% and 91%-119%,respectively,with the CV% for the repeatability of 6.35%and5.31% and the CV% for the reproducibility of 11.88% and 12.92%. The sensitivity, accuracy and precision of the method were in accordance with the requirements for quality control of residues analysis. It is suitable for the rapid detection of choramphenicol residues in infant formula powders.
Inspection and Quarantine Science