
砂砾石作为路基基层的施工技术探讨 被引量:6

Technical measures analysis on sandy gravel as road base
摘要 在道路工程建设中,砂砾石作为一种工程建筑材料直接应用于路基基层是一种新型技术,可显著降低工程造价。通过对砂砾石作为路基基层的理论研究成果分析和结合工程实践经验,从材料的特性和环境出发,分别就砂砾石材料的级配要求、砂砾石颗粒压碎值要求、摊铺及压实工艺、路基压实指标及现场测定方法和养护及面层施工几大方面进行了探讨,得出了砂砾石路基基层施工工艺流程图和相应参数的控制指标,提出了砂砾石路基基层的施工技术体系。 Using sandy gravel as road base is a new technique in construction engmeermg, which cna remarkably and naturally reduce the project cost. Based on analysis of anterior theoretical results and some engineering practical experience, the technology of sandy gravel as road base is studied for both material characteristics and environmental conditions. Through the discussion of important factors such as graduation demand, crush value demand, spreading and compacting technique, compacting indexes and detecting methods on the spot and so on, the construction technology flow chart and controlling indexes of corresponding parameters are gained. At last, the system of technical measures of sandy gravel as road base in construction engineering is brought forward.
出处 《桂林电子工业学院学报》 2006年第3期218-221,共4页 Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology
关键词 砂砾石 级配 压实度 干密度 施工技术 sandy gravel graduation compaction dry density technical measures
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