Objective To realize and predominate "120" sufferers clinical circumstances of nasty and sick call advice time to rule and, characteristics raise the emergency call to save to cure the level. Method Carry on the analysis to 929 emergency call of "120" sufferers, according to day and night 12 types with circulating month of 24 hours and a year distribute to statistics, respectively "120" cry for help time and visits the case number ,discuss it's regulation and characteristics . Result The sufferers of see doctor total 929, among them men 548, women 381 ,in the section with medicine and surgery the patient is a lord ,medicine patient with the symptom of the obfuscation and the dyspnoea rises the disease for many, the patient of the surgery with the knife wound and traffic accident harm for lord. the most concentrated hour orders for 9.00-11.00 of morning .having 19.81% (184/929) and the top night 20.00-22.00 having 21.74%(202/929). Most months are January. having 13. 99%(130/929), having 9.69%(90/929) for December the next in order. Conclusion To realize and predominate "120" sufferers clinical circumstances of emergency call and seek medical advice time rule the characteristics and regulation, to in time valid accurate before making the good hospital give first aid the work, raise the heavy sufferers salvage success rate and lower the death rate contain important meaning.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
emergency call "120" Dot-rotundity distributes the method Retrospection analysis