
胶质细胞在吗啡耐受中的作用 被引量:1

The Role of Glia in Morphine Tolerance
摘要 随着对神经系统研究的不断深入,胶质细胞越来越受到人们的重视。本文就胶质细胞在吗啡中的作用作一综述,主要包括胶质细胞的激活,细胞内的信号转导及分泌的细胞因子三个方面。 With the development of studies in the field of nervous system, the glia cells are being paid more attention than before. This article would summerize the role of glia in morphine tolerance, mainly including the following three aspects: the activation of glia, signal transduction in cells and the related secretive cytokines.
出处 《中山大学研究生学刊(自然科学与医学版)》 2006年第2期1-6,共6页 Journal of the Graduates Sun YAT-SEN University(Natural Sciences.Medicine)
关键词 胶质细胞 吗啡耐受 细胞因子 Glia Morphine tolerance Cytokine
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