The ancient fossils discovered from the Archean period have generated much controversy about their authenticity and antiquity, this is a hotspot issue in the studying of geological field. The Arehean life fossils mainly occur in the Istu Greenstone Belt in Greenland, the Pilbara eraton in western Australia and Kaapvaal craton in South Africa. With the development of the testing technique, combining the paleontology, some new detection methods are applied to identify the morphological features of mierofossil and to indicate the origin of early life, especially the mierofabric technique and biomarker testing, which can provide more credible evidence to distinguish the biogenie or abiotie. The controversy about Archean life is still a serious seientifie problem, the ~13C validity, the morphological analogy and the mierostrueture of fossil are greatly disputed. The disciplinary cross and technique combining is a feasible way to boost the studying of the Arehean Life, and stress should be laid on the parent rocks.
Journal of the Graduates Sun YAT-SEN University(Natural Sciences.Medicine)