In this paper, we analyse the spectra of a 2N/X2. 1 white-light flare (WLF) by comparing the line profiles and the continuum emission with X-ray and radio data. This WLF was simultaneously observed in five wavelength-bands with high temporal resolution (5s) on 1991 Oct. 24, by using the solar tower telescope of Nanjing University. Our measurement indicates that this flare was a Type I WLF and had the following characteristics: (1) during the impulsive phase, the continuum emission, line center intensities, full-half widths of the line profiles, red asymmetries at the line wings and the high energy X-ray emissiolls reach their maxima almost at the same time, (2) the H_α line was extremely broad (the full width at half-maximum of the line profile reached almost 10A) and showed strong central reversal when the continuum emission reached its maximum, which also appeared in H_β and H_γ lines,but was less strong, (3) all lines showed obvious red asymmetry at the wings. The duration was about one minute. Based on these results, we find that the theories of electron-beam bombardment, chromospheric evaporation and condensation can provide a good qualitative interpretation of the energy storage and release of this WLF.