汽油、无水甲醇与某些溶剂的混合液已被用作汽车发动机的燃料。但溶剂的价格高,混合液吸潮后很难避免分层。为了克服这些困难,可采用下述方法制成乳化液:5公斤自制的非离子表面活性剂 FY-728溶入约740公斤、辛烷值为53的无铅直馏汽油,与160公斤甲醇、100公斤水混合、经转齿机械搅拌制得油包水型的乳化液,其辛烷值剧增至78.4。乳化液在汽车发动机进行了台架和道路试验,其有效功率及比油耗和汽油相近。甲醇的热值虽然还不到汽油的一半,但可按重量比约1:1地当汽油使用.本方法可使用价格低廉的含水粗甲醇代替无水甲醇。乳化液不含剧毒性的抗爆震剂四乙基铅,从而消除了铅对大气的污染。
Fuel blends containing gasoline,anhydrous methanol and some solvents have been developed and used for automobile engines.The solvents,such as butyl alcohol,used for mixing between gasoline and methanol are expensive and it is difficult to avoid phase separation when moisture is absorbed in the blends.In order to solve these problems,a special emulsion has been develo- ped by using the following process:5Kg of nonionic surfactant FY-728 syn- thesized by ourselves is dissolved in 1000 liters(about 740Kg)of unlead dire- ctly distilled gasoline with octane number 53(MON).740Kg of this gasoline, 160Kg of methanol and 100Kg of water were mixed and emulsified by a coll- oid mill.The emilsion is of water-in-oil type and relatively stable.Its octane number is sharply increased to 78.4(MON).In comparison when lead tetraethyl is added to gasoline used for the emulsion as stated above,the octane num- ber only amounts to 75.1(MON).which is less than the octane number of the emulsion. The emulsion has been used for testing on a Dongfeng automobile engine Model 6100 in the laboratory and then in loaded vehicles on a road including a path with a slope of 20 degrees.The active power and specific fuel consu- mption for tile emulsion are approximately the same value as the gasoline. Although the combustion heat of methanol is less than one half of that for gasoline.It is interesting to note that methanol may be used instead of gaso- line with a ratio 1:1 by weight,and the reasons were discussed,Moreover, watercontained crude methanol may be used for the emulsion,which is chea- per than anhydrous methanol. Emulsion having available octane numger means that anti-knock agents, such as lead tetraethyl,can be eliminated in emulsion fuel system which not only results in cleaner engine performance,but,even important,results in the exhaust fumes,thereby abating pollution.
Leather Science and Engineering
Nonionic Surfactant
Octane Number
Automobile Engine