3Wilhelm Worringer, Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style [1908]. Tr.Michael Bullock. New York: International Universities Press, 1963. pp 13 )
4Abstraction Et Einfuhlung Contribution a la Psychologic du Style Paris, Editions Klincksieck, 1978, pp45.
5E. Panofsky, "Die Theorie des Kunstwollens',in Zeitschrift fuer Aesthetik, 14, 1926 pp330.
6Ernest K. Mundt, "Three Aspects of German Aesthetic Theory" The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, March, 1959, pp304.
7E. Panofsky, Die Theorie des Kunstwollens, in Zeirschrift fuer Aesthetik, 14,1926.
8Sedlmayr, "Die Quintessenz der Lehren Riegls",Kunst und Wahrheit Hamburg, no year.
9Patcht,"Art Historians and Art Critics, VI: AloisRiegl ", Burlington Magazine, 105,1963, P188.
10Alois Riegl, "Late Roman Art Industry", Translated From the Original Viennese edition by Roll Winkes,-Giorgio Bretschneider Editore,1985. P19.