1World Health Organization, The Worid Health Report 2001, p. 144.
2Olivier Cattaneo, "The Interpretation of the TRIPS Agreement: Considerations for the WTO Panels and Appellate Body", 3 J. World Intell. Prop. 627, pp 655 - 656 (2000》.
3Panel Report, Canada- patent protection of pharmaceutical products, WT/PS/114/R.
4Olivier Cattaneo,"The Interpretation of the TRIPS Agreement: Considerations for the WTO Panels and Appellate Body", 3 J. World Intell. Pron. 627 pp655 - 656 (2000》.
5Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health, Office of the United States' Trade Representative, March 2002,http ://www. ustr. gov/sectors/doha - trips - graph6. PDF.
6Appellate Body Report, "India Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products", WT/D550/AB/R(Dec. 19, 1997》.
7Hoekman, B. M, The Political Economy of the World Trade System, second edition, New York, Oxford. 2001 ,P. 143.
8Donald G. McNeil, Jr. ,"Selling Cheap 'Generic' Drugs, India's Copycats Irk Industry", N.Y. TIMES, Dec. 1, 2000, at A1.
9"Consumer Project on Tech., Background Information on Fourteen FDA Approved HIV/AIDS Drugs (demonstrating the significant role for public funding in the development of AIDS drugs》", at hap://www. cptech. org/ip/health/aids/druginfo. htm/.
10Merck & Co lne v Stephar BV and Petrus Stephanus Exler, Case 187/80 [1981] ECR 2063.