The results of 57 eyes scleral turnnel incision ex tracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens im plantation were reported. The patients ages ranged from8 to 81 years, averaging 59 years. Postoperatively, thecorrected visual acuities of 0. 5 or better were achievedin 29 eyes (50. 9%) at one week and in 51 eyes(91. 9% )after 3 months, 1. 0 or over in 34 eyes (59. 6% ) after 3months. There were diminished intra - and post - oper-ative complications. The postoperative astigmatismshowed a tendency of with - the-rule. Statistical analyses showed that the differences between preoperativeand one weed after surgery were significant (P < 0.01 ). The defferences between preo - and postoperativeone month were no statistically significant. The resultssuggest that advantages of scleral turnnel incision aresmall incision better incision closed -slight postoperativereaction,less induced astigmatism and fast visual reha bilitation inherent.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology