Lotus Domino控制台命令可以获取很多服务器信息,同时也可以在编程里面去调用一些控制台命令来帮助我们完成一些任务,在获取信息方面,我们通过”show inetusers-xml”这一命令可以获取当前登录到系统上的用户有哪些,当然,获取当前在线用户的信息也有其他的方法,不过,下面的方法更加的标准和准确。
Instructions of Lotus Domino Console can acquire a great deal of server information, and some of them can be utilized to help complete a number of tasks. Via the instruction "show inetusers --xml", we can acquire the more accurate information about the users on line, compared with similar information acquired by other methods.
Journal of Pingxiang College