
基于TMS320C54x DSP的MPEG-2 AAC解码器设计

The Design of MPEG-2 AAC Decoder Based on TMS320C54x DSP
摘要 MPEG-2 AAC是一种高效多声道音频编码标准,能够在高压缩比率下提供高音质。TMS320C54x是一款价格低廉的16位定点DSP,本文提出了用此类DSP实现MPEG-2 AAC解码器的方法,特别对滤波器组模块进行了优化设计。实验结果表明,低成本的TMS320C54x DSP能够完成有限音质的MPEG-2 AAC解码器低复杂度的实现。 MPEG- 2 AAC is a high efficient multiple channel audio coding standard which can provide satisfied listenning quality at high compression rate. And TMS320C54x is a low cost 16 - bit fixed - point DSP that is used in this paper to implement MPEG -2 AAC decoding. A modified filter bank module is specially designed to conform the computational power of the DSP. As the performance test result, low cost TMS320C54x DSP has the ability to provide limited quality MPEG -2 AAC decoding in LC profile.
出处 《中国传媒大学学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第2期38-42,共5页 Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology
关键词 MPEG-2 AAC 解码器 16-bit DSP TMS320C54X MPEG - 2 AAC decoder 16 - bit DSP TMS320C54x
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