

Between Fantasy and Reality——a review of Hayek's values of justice
摘要 哈耶克一方面竭力否定社会正义,认为其不过是无法企及的“幻象”;另一方面又推崇其带有抽象先验性的“正义行为规则”,将自由视为正义的最高原则。在幻象与真实之间,可以透视哈耶克带有种种矛盾的正义观。其有闪光之点,但更多的是可质疑之处。 Hayek, on one hand, exerted his every effort to deny social justice, deeming the social justice just a unreachable fantasy; on the other hand, he advocates his abstract and priori " rules of just behavior", taking freedom as the highest principle of justice. Hayek's inconsistent viewpoint of justice can be drawn between fantasy and reality. In his values there are a few good points but more suspicious. The article gives a brief analysis on Hayek's values of justice and tries to make a reasonable judgment.
作者 张丽清
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2006年第3期410-412,420,共4页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 个人自由 社会正义 正义原理 personal freedom social justice principle of justice
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  • 1[英]哈耶克.法律、立法与自由[M].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2000.55.
  • 2[英]哈耶克.自由秩序原理[M].北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1997.19,14.
  • 3袁久红.正义与历史实践[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2003.69.


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