
微生物菌剂强化处理油砂 被引量:7

Enhanced Treatment of Oil Sand by Dominant Bacteria
摘要 研究了微生物菌剂对油砂的处理效果,并通过第15天和第30天两次追加微生物菌剂和营养物质来加速分解石油类污染物。试验结果表明,经过56d的处理,菌剂强化处理单元最终油去除率达到47.4%;添加营养物质和农家肥的对照单元油去除率为23.6%,证明土著菌种在得到适宜的营养和共代谢基质后降解了部分石油;未做任何处理的原始油砂单元含油量基本没有变化。通过气相色谱-质谱联用分析表明,微生物菌剂对于较少碳原子数的有机物质有较好的降解效果。处理单元中随着石油分解过程的进行,系统pH会有一个明显的下降过程。通过对照单元细菌数的检测发现,改善营养物质和氧含量,可以提高土著菌种的石油降解性能。 The treatment of oil sand with dominant bacteria was studied. (Dominant bacteria and nutrients were superadded at the 15th and 30th day to accelerate the degradation of oil. The results show that after 56-day treatment, the total removal rate of oil is 47.4% in the enhance treatment unit and 23.6% in the control unit with nutrients and farmyard manure, which means the aboriginal bacteria can degrade a part of oil with proper nutrients and co-metaboilsm substrate. Contrastively, the oil content of original unit without any treatment is almost no significant reduction. The GC-MS analysis shows that the dominant bacteria have better degradation effect on organic compound with less carbon atomicity. The pH value is dropped evidently with the degradation of oil. With the detection of bacterial content in the control unit, it is found that the oil degrading capability of aboriginal bacteria can be increased by adjusting the content of nutrients and oxygen.
出处 《化工环保》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期218-221,共4页 Environmental Protection of Chemical Industry
基金 国家重点科技攻关项目(2002BA516A03)
关键词 油砂 微生物菌剂 土著菌 气相色谱-质谱联用 现场试验 oil sand dominant bacteria aboriginal bacteria gas chromatograph-mass spectrum field test
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