Biomechanical and clinical study of atlantoaxial instability in posterior atlantoaxial transarticular screw fixation; Analysis of related factors for tracheotomy after cervical spinal injuries; Biomechanics of the cervical cord-meningeal complex compressed posteriorly under threedimensional movement;
3.1 Neck 206039 Biomechanical and clinical study of atlantoaxi-al instability in posterior atlantoaxial transarticular screw fixation/Chen Zhuanghong(陈庄洪, Dept Orthop, Wuhan Gene, Hosp PLA, Wuhan 430070)… // Chin J Exp Surg. -2005,22(12). -1530~1532 To determine the biomechanical stability of C1-2 and clinical effects after instrumentation with two screw trajectory in posterior atlantoaxial transarticular screw fixation. Methods The three-dimensional motions of C1 relative to C2 were measured in 8 human