
面向企业的广义ERP实施及过程改进方法研究 被引量:2

Research on the Methodology for Enterprises-oriented Extended ERP Implementation and the Process Improvement
摘要 以软件系统建设为中心的狭义ERP实施方法,容易使企业忽视ERP蕴含的供应链的核心思想及对管理变革的强烈要求,最终导致实施目标的彻底落空。为此,提出面向企业的广义ERP实施概念,体现了企业ERP实施从概念认知到经营模式、工作方式以及管理体制全面转变的完整特征。构建了以业务应用及支持、管理及技术支持、过程支持和项目执行为支撑的组织模型,以及以战略、业务运作、管理基础和技术基础支撑为层次架构的过程模型。最后讨论了基于评价的广义ERP实施过程改进的体系及方法。 The limited ERP implementation methodology aimes at the construction of software system, which tends to make the enterprises neglect the essence thought of ERP and the intense requirement for the management reforms, as the result, the failure of the implementation is inevitable. Therefore, this paper puts foreword an extended ERP implementation concept oriented to the enterprises. The concept indicates the complete process characteristics of ERP implementation from the cognation formation to the operation and management pattern transformation. It builds an organization model by business application and support, management and technology support, process support, presents the project execution, provides a hierarchical process model comprised of strategy, business operation, management foundation support and technology foundation support. Finally, a process improvement system and methods of the extended ERP Implementation based evaluation are discussed.
出处 《中国制造业信息化(学术版)》 2006年第7期9-15,共7页
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2001AA412020) 航空科学基金资助项目(01H53061)
关键词 企业资源计划 广义实施 过程改进 ERP Extended Implementation Process Improvement
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