提出了一种将关系数据库向XML映射的新方法——“反规范化及合并”方法,分析了该方法的基本思想和实现步骤。即将规范化的关系模式还原成原来冗余的关系模式,并转换成相应的XML DOM;最后将各个XML DOM合并。最后。通过在银行贷款中的应用归纳和总结了该方法的特点和优势。
This paper puts forward a new method of converting relational database into XML documents, that is de-normalization and integration. Then the principles and steps of the method are analyzed in the paper.Firsdy,the normal relational pattern reverts original redundant one. Then it converts XML documents.Finally, all XML DOM are integrated.Applying it to loaning, merits of the method are testified at the end of the paper.
Computer Knowledge and Technology