表加实体的间接存取方法应用广泛、易于理解,二进制数据以文件的形式存放在特定的目录下,数据表中字段值存储文件路径,此方法不能体现SQL SERVER2000管理数据的优势;直接存取将二进制数据直接存入数据库中。存取过程均以临时文件过渡。是数据库管理二进制数据的发展方向。
The indirect access method of storing the entity and the table separately is used extensive, and easy to understand. The binary are left in the specific directory in the form of files. The value of fields stores the path of the file in the table. This method can" t embody the advantages of SQL SERVER 2000 on managing data. Direct access which stores the binary in the database directly with the temporary file for transition is the developing direction of the binary of the database management.
Computer Knowledge and Technology