
华中地区藤本种子植物区系的研究 被引量:21

A study on the flora of the seed vines in Central China region
摘要 以湖南和湖北两省为代表对华中地区藤本种子植物的区系进行了研究。本区共有藤本种子植物62科175属838种,其中土著种类有60科159属784种。在科、属、种的水平上对藤本种子植物区系特性进行了较深入的统计和分析,并对本区藤本种子植物与邻近地区的关系、本区内的藤本种子植物的地带性分异进行了探讨。统计表明,本区藤本种子植物种数占该区种子植物总种数的11%,且61.7%的种类主要集中在30种以上的大科中;热带分布型明显多于温带分布型;泛热带、热带亚洲、东亚(中国)特有和东亚—北美间断分布科属比较集中,其中许多属为古老成分;本区藤本种子植物特有成分丰富,计有东亚特有科1科、中国特有属6属、中国特有种507种(其中华中地区特有种35种)。通过研究认为:本区藤本种子植物具有种类丰富、分布类型多样、特有成分较多、区系较古老的特点;与本区的全部种子植物区系相比,藤本种子植物区系的热带性更强,具有明显的热带亲缘性,并与喜马拉雅及中国西南有较强的地理渊源。 Hunan Province and Hubei Province are located at N24°39′- 33°20′ and E108°21′ - 116°07′, belonging to subtropical monsoon zone, where climate is warm and wet, and terrain is complex. Vines are very rich in the area, but its research is virtually a blank. In this paper we studied on the flora of the seed vines in Central China region, choosing Hunan Province and Hubei Province as the representative. Based on statistics of plants list of the area, there are 838 species of seed vines belonging to 175 genera in 62 families, of which 784 species of 159 genera in 60 families are native. We analyzed the speciality of seed vines flora at the families, genera and species levels in depth and discussed the relationship of the seed vines in Central China region with its neighbouring regions and the differentiating zones within the area. Our results showed that the seed vines accounts for 11% of the total seed plants in Central China region and 61.7% of the total seed vines were concentrated on the large families with 30 species or more. Its Tropical members are obviously more than in the Temperate. The members of the Pantropic, the Tropic Asian, the E. Asian (especially Chinese) endemics and the E. Asian-N. America disjuncted patterns at the family and genera levels were relatively rich, and many of them were archaic elements. Moreover, there were rich endemic elements in the area with one E. Asian endemic family, 6 Chinese endemic genera and 507 Chinese endemic species including 35 endemic species to the Central China region. The flora of the seed vines of Central China region was characterized with rich species, diversity areal-types, rich endemic and archaic elements. Compared with the seed flora of the Central China region, the seed vines flora was of relatively strong tropical characteristics and shared more geographic resources with Himalayan region and the southwest of China.
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期497-507,共11页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
基金 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(99JJY20025)
关键词 华中地区 藤本种子植物 区系 Central China seed vines flora
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