成像测井由于分辨率高得到广泛应用,但由于其采样密度相当高,给数据预处理中的深度匹配带来困难。本文采用了快速且精度较高的阿克玛(A k im a)光滑等距插值方法,对常规测井GR曲线进行插值处理,在此基础上采用相关分析的方法,确定成像测井带测GR曲线的深度偏移量。结果表明,该方法能够有效地校正成像测井曲线的深度误差,其处理效果优于有理函数插值、三次样条插值等。为进一步提高成像解释结果的精度奠定了基础。
Imaging log is used widely for its higher discernibility,but the higher sampling densitymakes the depth matching in data processing rather difficult. This paper mainly elaborates Akima smoothing equal-spaced interpolation method which has real-time and high precision. It use correlation analysis method on the base of conventional log GR curve interpolation to calculate the depth displacement of the additional GR curve in imaging log. The result indicates that this way can effectively correct the depth corrigendum in imaging log curve, and the processing effect is superior to the rational function interpolation, the spline function interpolation etc. As a result this method established the foundation for developing the precision of imaging interpretation result further.
Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry