
基底动脉闭塞的溶栓治疗 被引量:6

Thrombolysis in Basilar Artery Occlusion
摘要 基底动脉闭塞的临床诊断通常比较困难,预后较差。动脉和静脉溶栓治疗使闭塞的基底动脉再通是最有效的治疗手段。动脉溶栓与静脉溶栓治疗的患者临床预后相似,但静脉溶栓技术简单,易于操作和推广。 The clinical diagnosis of basilar artery occlusion is often difficult, and its prognosis is poorer. Intra-arterial and intravenous thrombolytic therapies may be the most reasonable and effective therapeutic approach to recanalize occluded basilar arteries.The clinical prognosis in patients treated with intra-arterial or intravenous thrombolysis is simple, easy to operate and can thrombolysis is similar. However, intravenous be used widely.
作者 吴玉秋 毛群
出处 《国际脑血管病杂志》 2006年第6期425-427,共3页 International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
关键词 基底动脉闭塞 溶栓疗法 basilar artery occlusion intravenous thrombolysis intra-arterial thrombolysis
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