从2006年5月29日起,日本正式实施食品中农业化学品残留“肯定列表制度”(Positve List System),该制度对食品、农产品中农业化学品残留的限量做出新的规定,进而大幅度提高了进口农产品、食品的门槛。蔬菜是中国对日出口的重要农产品,为此,引起了各方面的高度重视。
Japan will officially implements the "Positive List System" for agricultural chemical residues in foods from May 29, 2006. The system has formulated new rules on the limits for agricultural chemical residues in foods and agricultural products, and then proceeded to greatly raise the threshold on importing agricultural products and vegetables. The vegetables are Chinese important agricultural products exported to Japan, therefore, this issue has set off highest attention in relevant trades.
International Agriculture Trade