肌萎缩侧索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)是一种运动神经元进行性退形性变性疾病,其中家族遗传性ALS约占5%~10%。ALS发病机制不明,目前认为可能主要由编码CuZnSOD的SOD1基因突变引发。随着年龄的增加和骨骼肌的老化,ALS易感性呈上升趋势,表明年龄为其易患因素之一。为了保护患者的肌肉力量,对ALS的传统治疗一般推荐避免进行体育运动。然而,越来越多的研究表明,运动对抑制ALS患者的运动能力下降有积极作用。
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) is a progressive degenerative disease of motor neurons. The inherited form of the disease, familial ALS, represents 5-10% of the total cases, and the best documented of these are due to lesions in SOD1, the gene encoding copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD).The mechanism by which mutations in SOD1 cause familial ALS is currently unknown. The increased sensitivity to disease of aging muscle represents an additional age-related negative influence in the presence of existing risk factors.The conventional management of ALS is frequently recommended to avoid physical activity in order to protect their muscle strength. However, more and more studies show that physical activity has positive effect on disability in ALS patients and should be recommended.
Journal of Tianjin University of Sport