The superficial shape of the eyes of 598 people of Tujia nationality in Enshi determined according to the principle of random sampling was observed and measured. Both eyes of theirs lay to lateral sides of nasal root in more moderate position. The iris was brown colour. The medial angle of the eye was at a level with the lateral angle. The opening height of the eyelits was in medium degree. There was no Monggoloid fold in most Tujia people. There was usually skin fold paralleling free edge of eyelid on upper eyelid in most Tujia people. The eyes of theirs basically belonged to the narrow type or medium type if they were classified according to height index of fissure of the eyes. Their eyes mainly belonged to medium height_medium breadth type if they were classified according to the height and breadth of the eyelits. All measured values of men were larger than those of women. There was sex difference in interocular breadth, external biocular breadth and inter_pupillary distance. With age, the medium type of the eyes or the medium height_medium breadth type of the eyes was transformed into a small type of eye or short height_short breadth type of eye.