
山东省县域经济发展现状、特点、问题及对策 被引量:2

The developing situation, characteristics, problems and countermeasures of county economy in Shandong province
摘要 考察山东县域经济发展现状及历史变化,其发展特点主要包括:农业产业化、特色经济、园区经济、民营经济比较突出,招商引资成为拉动县域经济发展的主要“动力源”等;与江苏、浙江、广东三省相比较,山东县域经济在整个国民经济中所占份额大,人均GDP、人均地方财政收入、国际化程度和居民收入较低;县域经济的总体实力不高、发展极不平衡、经济结构不尽合理、融资困难、财政捉襟见肘、小城镇建设相对滞后、缺少必要的发展经济自主权。对山东91个县市的综合实力进行评价排序,并提出从优化县域经济发展环境、主攻民营经济、着力培育特色经济、进一步壮大园区经济、加快发展配套经济、提升劳务经济、加快小城镇建设、强化地方金融功能、实施非均衡协调发展战略、加大对欠发达县扶持力度等加快山东县域经济发展的总体思路。 Inspecting the situation and history change on county economy in Shandong province, we sum up the development characteristics of county economy from nine sides, such as farming industrialization .characteristic economy .economy of garden area, the prominence of private economy and the situation that attracting investments and capitals now becomes one of main motivities.Compared with Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces, the county economy of Shandong province plays a more important role in the whole country economy. However, the GDP per person, the local financial income per person, the internationalization degree and the residents' income are all low; the problems also include: the total strength is lower; the development is lopsided; the economic structure is lack of rationalization; the financing is difficult; the finance of government has too many problems to deal with; the construction of small towns; lacking independent powers of economic development, and so on. And then we judge and sort on the integrated strength of ninety-one counties in Shandong province. At last, we bring forward the whole direction of county economy and corresponding suggestions form several parts, for example, form the parts of enhancing the development circumstances, giving prominence to private economy and characteristic economy, attaching more importance on matching economy and labor economy, making construction of small town more faster, strengthening local financial functions, increasing more support to laggard counties.
作者 朱孔来
出处 《青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期52-60,共9页 Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 县域经济 特色经济 园区经济 县域经济实力 county economy characteristic economy economy of garden areas the economic strength of counties
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