无线个域网是当前无线通信研究的热点之一,IEEE802.15.3a对发射信号的功率、短距离的高速率信息传输等方面提出了更高的要求。由于FCC对超宽带信号进行了重新定义,使得产生超宽带信号的方式并不局限在冲激无线电范畴,利用OFDM技术与DS CDMA技术也能实现超宽带通信。当前IEEE802.15.3a的2种主流技术(MB OFDM和DSCDMA)之间争执不下,将对2种技术进行详细的比较,比较结果显示,在当前的技术水平下,MB OFDM技术具有一定的优势。
Wireless personal area network is the hot spot problem in the present wireless communication area. It is stricted with the power of transmitting signals and short-haul high speed information transmission in IEEE802.15.3a. Because FCC has redefined the ultra-wideband signal, it is not produced by the impulse radio. If using OFDM and DS-CDMA, ultra-wideband communication can also be realized. In present literature, it has not obvious advantage. This article will particularly compare with MB- OFDM and DS-CDMA. The MB-OFDM is better than DS-CDMA after compared their performance.
Modern Electronics Technique